◎子どもたちの安全・安心に貢献するデザイン 子ども部門
Designs to contribute to the safety and security from children; Category: Children
◎子どもたちの安全・安心に貢献するデザイン 一般部門
Designs to contribute to the safety and security from children; Category: General
◎子どもたちの創造性と未来を拓くデザイン クリエイティブ部門
Designs to develop the creativity and create the future of children; Category: creativity
◎子どもたちの創造性と未来を拓くデザイン リテラシー部門
Designs to develop the creativity and create the future of children;
Category: Children's potential for learning and understanding
◎子どもたちを産み育てやすいデザイン 個人・家庭部門
Designs to support comfortable raising of children: Individual and households
◎子どもたちを産み育てやすいデザイン 地域・社会部門
Designs to support comfortable raising of children; Category: Communities and Society
◎子どもたちを産み育てやすいデザイン 男女共同参画部門
Designs to support comfortable raising of children;Category: Gender Equality Award
Grand Award: Prime Minister's Award
Excellence Award:METI Minister Award (経済産業大臣賞)
Minister of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate Award (少子化対策担当大臣賞)
Minister of State for Gender Equality Award (男女共同参画担当大臣賞)
Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety Award (消費者担当大臣賞)
Encouragement Award: KDA Chairman's Award
特別賞 Special Award
■ Special Jury Award 【審査委員長特別賞】
・Designs to contribute to the safety and security of children
・Designs to develop the creativity and create the future of children
・Designs to support comfortable raising of children
■ Special TEPIA Award 【TEPIA(一般財団法人高度技術社会推進協会)特別賞】
※TEPIA(Association for Technological Excellence Promoting Innovative Advances )
■ Special Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Award 【東京都知事賞】
Kids Design Association
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Cabinet Office
Consumer Affairs Agency
Minister of State for Policies Related to Children
The Kids Design Award is a commendation program for realizing as well as spreading the three Kids Design Missions. Not limited to products/ services for children such as infant products and toys, this award welcomes a wide range of high quality products or facilities, programs and research activities for children and adults, as long as there are considerations made for children. There are 9 Minister Awards including the Prime Minister’s Award.Awarded works will be permitted to use the “Kids Design Mark”.
The Kids Design Association is a non-profit organization (NPO) aiming to contribute to creating a social environment that leads to the healthy growth and development of children, who make up the next generation. The Association consists of various member companies and other organizations supporting the Association, which conducts activities under three design missions. The objectives of the Association are to widely publicize and disseminate these kids’ design principles and thereby expand the development of products and creation of content taking the standpoint of children into consideration.